At a very affordable price, the DI-Versa-Print High-Tech gives screen printers high quality, flexibility and many income producing opportunities. This one machine can use many accessories to handle printing production of thousands of different shapes and piece parts.
- Vertical lift head
- Safer than 2 post printers
- Faster than 2- post printers - up to four times the production speed!
- Reliable, rugged industrial precision - what the competition doesn't have!
- Rugged, industrial highly stable printer
- Ergonomic compact design
- Affordable price and production cost
- Easy setup
- Truly versatile, highly productive full chassis printer
- Compact and easy to use unit prints up to 14" on a wide range of substrates.
- Quad-pinion print carriage for smooth and reliable production.
- Print quality is excellent. The result is a high resolution image.
- Linear bearings keep the print action smooth and quiet.
- All mechanical.
- Up front automatic peel control.
- Independent squeegee and flood speed controls.
- Variable squeegee/flood speed controls are adjusted by simply turning a dial.
- Micro-registration, standard on all machines, ensures excellent printed results.
- Printing table can be adjusted vertically to accommodate a range of substrates.
- Linear bearings with hardened shaft for years and years of trouble free, wear free operation
- Adjustable squeegee and flood pressure control